CoEB Quarterly Newsletter vol.015

Note from the CoEB Director: 
Welcome to the Center newsletter, where you will read about the activities we have been involved in recently, including research projects, research trainings, and seminars. The big news is that we were approved as a Category 2 Center under the auspices of UNESCO at the November 2021 UNESCO General Conference. We are in the process of laying the foundation to launch the CoEB as a Category 2 Center, working closely with University of Rwanda leadership, the Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Environment, and we are excited to step into a new phase for the CoEB. We hope you will join us in meeting our objectives. This is also a big year for me personally as I fulfill my term as President of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC). This international scientific and professional society was founded in 1963, with the mission to promote research, education, and communication about the world's tropical ecosystems. There are over 900 members from 67 countries, practitioners engaged in science, conservation, development, and environmental policy. ATBC holds annual meetings, publishes the scientific journal Biotropica, and is engaged in conservation and capacity building activities worldwide. I hope to encourage you to get involved in this great organization in the coming months. Thank you, Beth Kaplin, Director of CoEB