CoEB_Newsletter_June 2021 Vol.12

Note from the CoEB Director: 
Welcome to all of you taking time to read this newsletter. We have had a very busy June 2021, with the biggest news being completion of a feasibility study following the CoEB application for category 2 status under the auspices of UNESCO. The application was supported by the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Environment, University of Rwanda and the Rwanda National Commission to UNESCO (CNRU). Thanks to the individuals including CoEB Research Associates, Research Fellows, students and partners who took their time to provide information to the feasibility study consultants. We now await the UNESCO Executive Board review of our application in October for final decision of the General Conference in November 2021. In addition to this big step, the Center has been working on several projects, including adaptive systemetic water management, developing biological indicators for ecosystem monitoring, assessing the dual effects of climate change and Covid-19 on rural communities, and water bird counts to support monitoring of wetlands in Rwanda. In the pages below you will see what the Center and its nodes and partners have been busy with in the past few weeks. Enjoy and stay safe Beth Kaplin, Director of CoEB